September 24, 2013

Act justly, love mercy, walk with God - Micah 6:8

During a dinner with friends last week, this question came up:

Can you really know and do God's will?
Don and I were able to share times when we didn't understand why, but we knew God was directing us.  Sometimes we were directed by wise counselors, sometimes by His word, sometimes in prayer, but always with faith resulting in obedience to what we believed He was directing us to do.  In our Precept study this week on Covenant, we understand that when we believe, our responsibility is to act in faith which results in obedience.  By the way, it also results in blessing!  And peace!  And rest!  And His pleasure!
Micah, the prophet, was trying to answer a question with a question about what true religion was.  The questioner wanted to believe if they sacrificed enough that would be their ticket.  Micah reminded the people God had already shown the Israelites through history what was required...they didn't need a new revelation as much as they needed to obey what He had already told them.
Don has preached many times that 90% of God's will for us - those in covenant relationship with Him - is known to us in His word.  We just want something else - more current, more fun, who knows why we want something else!  Listen to Oswald Chambers (6/3):
If we are saved and sanctified God guides us by our ordinary choices,
and if we are going to choose what He does not want, He will check, and
we must heed.  Whenever there is doubt, stop at once.  Never reason it out
and say --'I wonder why I shouldn't?'  God instructs us in what we choose,
that is, He guides our common sense, and we no longer hinder His
Spirit by continuallly saying-- 'Now, Lord, what is Thy will?'.
Micah reminds us to simply --
--Act justly -- be honest and fair in all things
--Love mercy -- do more than is required; be kind even when it's not easy
--Walk humbly with God - keep in step with Him; know Him and His word and act on it;
    keep Him as your focus and do not allow the world to tell you you are the boss!
Yes you can know and do God's will.  He has given you His Spirit to show you how.  Who are you walking with today?
For further study:  Psalm 40:6-8; Psalm 143:8-10, Matthew 6:9-13 and 26:39, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 5:17, Philippians 2:12-13, James 4:13-17, 1 John 5:13-15
Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.

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