June 24, 2015

I am the vine; you are the branches; remain in me...and bear much fruit - John 15:5

I love growing things!  My grandparents grew beautiful roses and gardenias; my mother at 91 is the "gardner" at her assisted living center.  Even living in Texas, I cherish the blooms that sometimes appear!  One thing I have learned: when a branch is separated from its nourishment, you get nothing from it...no fruit, no flowers, no life.  It remains withered and useless.

It's the same for you and me.  Our verse for today are Jesus' words to his beloved disciples the night before he died on the cross.  He wanted those he loved - and knew would carry on his work - to know this one thing:  without remaining (abiding) in Him, they would have no power and no fruit in doing kingdom work.

The Christian life is not about doing more, it's about abiding more.  "Abide" is to stay closely connected...He used that word more than 10 times in the chapter...do you think He thought it was important?  Listen to what Bruce Wilkinson says in THE SECRETS OF THE VINE:

In abiding, you seek, long for, thirst for,
wait for, see, know, love, hear, and respond
to...a person.  More abiding means more of
God in your life, more of Him in your activities,
thoughts and desires.

Our Vacation Bible School was this past week.  I had the most wonderful group of 4th Graders (showing them off in picture).  Some made professions of faith - the most important decision they will ever make!  I have prayed for them to become sturdy fruit trees for the Lord.  They will not do that apart from the indwelling Spirit's power.

He began a good work in you (Phil 1:6)...are you abiding with Him?

For further study: Psalm 23:6, Psalm 42:1, Psalm 91:1, Matt. 1:23, 1 Cor. 3:16, 2 Cor. 6:16, Galatians 5:22-23,  Ephesians 2:22, Ephesians 3:17, Colossians 3:16.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.
