September 23, 2022

Grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord - 2 Peter 3:18

 This letter to the people of God is written by Peter, as one commentator says, who, by then, was "...finely mature in Christian faith and fully seasoned in Christian service."  This verse is written at the end of Ch. 3, but he introduces the subject in Ch. 1 and exhorts the followers of Christ to "...make every effort" to grow in their add to what they already know.  This is a senior adult - at the very least - exhorting all ages to grow in their faith.  In 3:17 he tells us at least one reason why: "...that they may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall" from their secure place of faith.  Guess what?  The same applies to us today.  In case you haven't noticed, there are lawless people and ways all around us.

Our verse today essentially says:  GROW (become bigger or greater, non-stop progress) in GRACE (kindness) and KNOWLEDGE (personal experience of) of Jesus Christ.  John Piper says: "To grow in Christ, we don't set out to grow, we set out to taste His goodness".  When was the last time you opened your Bible to "taste His goodness"?  I hope often.  We are His treasured possession and if we don't continue to "...bear fruit that lasts, then we aren't glorifying our Father and we aren't being witnesses to those around us.

So, senior adults, what will that look like?  It might look like signing up for a seminary class even at the ripe old age of 73!  Ps. 92:14 says: "they will still bear fruit in old age".  It might mean not yielding to complaining about everything and everyone around you.  It might mean working with children in your church.  I know it will be sharing the truths of all those Bible studies you have done with a younger generation.

Young parents, what will that look like?  It will look like Deu. 6:7-9.  You will teach your children Biblical truth, you will model a disciplined lifestyle and show them grace and kindness.  A recent article by Matt Jacobson said: "When it comes to informing your children's internal voice against the destructive messages bombarding them, speak up, speak in, and speak often!".

Single adults, what might this look like? 1 Cor. 7:17 says: "each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them".  This was Paul who never married and found people to serve and teach.  So, find someone to serve and teach!  You will grow in your maturity by doing so!

Alistair Begg tells a wonderful story in TRUTH FOR LIFE about a young Queen Elizabeth.  Whenever she and her sister would go out to a party, her mother would say: 'Remember, royal children, royal manners."  I would say: Remember Christian children, Christian manners.  Our manners and lifestyle reflect the growth taking place within.  Healthy fruit is not hard to see!

For further study: Deu. 30:16, Ps. 34:8, Ps. 71:18, Hosea 6:3, Mark 4:1-20, John 15:1-17,  Rom. 12:2, Phil. 2:12-13,  Gal. 5:22-23, 2 Tim. 3:14-16.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.

