May 31, 2011


Solomon wrote much of the book of Proverbs.  He was the son of King David and Bathsheba (yes, the one David sinned with!) and became king after David's death.  In 1 Kings 3:5, the Lord appeared to King Solomon in a dream and said "Ask for whatever you want me to give you...".  In humility, the King did not ask for riches or fame, but in v. 9 asked for a "discerning heart to govern...and to distinguish between right and wrong."  And thus we have words in the Proverbs and other books written by a man with a "wise and discerning heart" who was inspired by God.

My Bible commentary says "our culture is glutted with information, but often starved for wisdom."  We would do well to follow Biblical principles more than we follow worldly principles.  Proverbs 3:5-6 is probably the verse I repeat to myself more than any other.  I have hidden it in my heart to remind to "TRUST in the Lord..." and NOT "lean on" my own understanding.  Trust means reliance on the integrity, strength or ability of a person or thing.  Leaning is the picture of putting your whole weight on something.

I once watched a talk show where a husband (who had been unfaithful) and a wife shared their experience.  The interviewer asked her, "can you trust him?" and the wife said, "no, but I trust God".
Who are you trusting today?

Rick Warren in THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE says "Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what is best for your life."  I believe the more you know about Him, the more you will trust Him.  He made us with a purpose and a plan...His history proves His wisdom; my history proves my foolishness!  I'm going with Him!

For further study:  Deuteronomy 4:29, 10:12, Job 38:36, Psalm 20:7, Psalm 51:10, Psalm 147:11, Proverbs 28:26,  Matthew 6:19-21, John 14:1, Hebrews 13:6

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 26, 2011


Imagine being a young girl engaged to be married and receiving a visit from an angel?  One day you're planning a wedding and the next a nursery!  The good news is this angel was a messenger from God - he told her she had "found favor with God" (so far so good!) and that she would give birth to a son - "the Son of the Most High"!  Now this was pretty serious information and she had a choice - kind of.  She could run or she could obey.  She only asked "how?" and when the angel assured her it was the POWER OF GOD, she knew it must be!

"In the beginning God" shows us it was the POWER OF GOD that spoke into being all of creation (Genesis 1); it was the POWER OF GOD that parted the Red Sea (Genesis 3); it was the POWER OF GOD that spewed Jonah from the great fish's belly (Jonah 1);  it was the POWER OF GOD that raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11). It has been the POWER OF GOD that has kept my husband healthy for the past three years!  No power exists than that which belongs to God.   A.W. Pink says in THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD:

     "Nothing is too hard for Him...seeing that He is clothed with omnipotence, no prayer is too hard
     for Him to answer, no need too great for Him to supply, no passion too strong for Him to subdue;
     no temptation too powerful for Him to deliver from, no misery too deep for Him to relieve."

Do you need to stop trying to wrestle power from Him?  Is it health?  Is it finances? Is it conflict in a relationship?  Is it trust?  Let Him "whose arm is not too short" (Isaiah 59:1) be your strength and your hope?  He alone can do the IMPOSSIBLE!

For further study  Exodus 15:11, Job 36:22, Psalm 147:5, Isaiah 40:21-26, Habakkuk 3, Matthew 19:26, Mark 9:23, Luke 1:26-38, 2 Corinthians 12:9

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word!


May 23, 2011


Bless Moses' heart...he had a real problem on his hands.  This man had been raised in privilege, fled after killing one of his own people and now had risked his life to rescue an enslaved people, only to have them decide worshipping a golden calf was more satisfying than the God who had provided their freedom!  You can just see him looking to the heavens and saying "why me, Lord?"!  But the God who had spoken to him face-to-face and had given him a set of Ten Commandments, wanted Moses to teach these people what real freedom was:  to honor and trust the ONE TRUE GOD only and with all their being.

One of my favorite stories is about a little girl who had been able to buy a cheap dimestore set of pearls.  She loved her pearls; they made her feel dressed up and special.  Every night her daddy came in to read her a story.  When he finished, he would tell her he loved her and asked if she would give him her pearls.  Every night she assured him she loved him, but could she give him something else, not her pearls.  This happened night after night.  Finally, one night he went in and she tearfully handed over her pearls with head bowed down.  Her kind daddy reached into his pocket and brought out a strand of beautiful, genuine pearls.  He had the real thing to give her but she held on to the cheap imitation.  Isn't that what we do...we hold onto to  We have loved the world and its cheap toys, when the Lord offers us the real thing.

Howard Hendricks says: "First I make my decisions, then my decisions make me."  Who/what you love is a decision.  Decide today to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

For further study:  Exodus 20:1-17, Psam 89:6-18, Jeremiah 2:19, Matt. 6:24,  Mark 12:29-31, Romans 1:24-32, 1 Tim 6:10,1 John 2:15-17

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 20, 2011


This is a psalm of David, probably written in his wise later years.  He had seen many evil men come and go, and he was confident that, like the withering grass, they would "soon die away".  He chose instead to trust in the Lord's unfailing love and care.

This verse is a beautiful illustration of "cause and effect".  If you obey the command (delight), a promise awaits (He will "tend to" the desires of your heart).  The word "delight" in the original form, anag, means "delicate or soft" meaning being sensitive or pliable.  It would mean to be dependent upon and to derive one's pleasure from God - basking or reveling, if you will.  What are the things you are dependent upon?  What are the things you derive your pleasure in?  Are you sensitive or pliable to Him? Does that mean if you do, the Lord gives you whatever you ask?  No, it means if you are truly focused on Him, the desires of your heart will be His desires as well.  Unless we "delight" in Him, our desires will be worldly and small.  I don't pretend to understand why there are godly people with desires yet unmet (Hebrews 11:39). There are some things that we must leave to the wisdom of a holy God.

I am a self-professed "pollyanna" - I want all to be well (a Bible study group even nicknamed me Hollyanna!), but there are times I delight in the wrong things.  There are times I find it difficult to delight in anything.  So how can we delight when we're not feeling delightful?  I think the Newsboys sing it well
in "Father, Blessed Father":  "Breathe, oh breath of God; breathe on me 'til my heart is new." Pray for your heart - and mine - to desire what He desires.  In the meantime, "delight yourself in the Lord"!

For further study: Psalm 1:2, Psalm 94:19, Psalm 145:19, Isaiah 58:14, Matthew 5:6, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Philippians 4:4-19.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 18, 2011


What a game-changer this verse is!  To have the Creator of the universe "waiting around" to give us undeserved favor!  The prophet Isaiah recognized the nature of God and urged the people to turn from self-sufficiency to God-sufficiency.  His offer is free to all who will believe.

Grace has been a key word for me since Don and I attended a Henry Blackaby conference in Canada several years ago - I even have a plate in our foyer to remind me of the concept!  Dr. Blackaby spoke on Galatians 2:21: "I do not set aside the grace of God..." and showed me how I can miss His not paying attention, by focusing on worldly things, by being self-centered, etc. etc.  His grace comes in many shapes and forms, and unless our eyes are on Him, we will miss His abundant grace.

If we recognize the enormity of His grace, then we will gladly give it to others.  Do you know people can tell by our behavior whether we recognize His grace or not?  Here's what Richard Blackaby says in PUTTING A FACE ON GRACE:
Grace builds up; it doesn't tear down.
Grace gives what is undeserved.
Grace is costly
Grace gives without expecting anything in return.
Grace thinks of others, not self.
Grace focuses on the important, not the trivial.
Grace looks at what could be, rather than fixating on what is or is not.
Grace helps people become more like Christ.
Grace doesn't condemn or give up on people.
Grace emphasizes mercy, not justice.

I think I'll wander into the foyer for a reminder!

For further study: Joel 2:13, Nehemiah 9:17, 2 Corinthians 4:15, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Titus 2:11-14, 1 Peter 5:10, Hebrews 4:16

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 16, 2011


We have a large sign on our mantel - my husband will tell you we have signs all over the house!
This particular verse calms me, reminds me who is in charge and what my responsibility is - to stop and listen!  The psalmist was actually referring to the cessation of wars, but maybe that's really what is going on in our hearts when we need the reminder to "be still...".  Elisabeth Elliott writes: "Our enemy delights in disquieting us.  Our Savior and Helper delights in quieting us.  The choice is ours.  It depends on our willingness to see everything in God, receive from His hand...and accept with gratitude...what He offers." (From KEEP A QUIET HEART)  What causes you to be "disquieted" today?  Stress over a job?  Insufficient finances?  A troubled relationship?  Your health?  The old hymn says:  "Be still my soul; the waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below."

You can know that "God is your refuge and strength" (Ps. 46:1) and turn your anxious hearts to quiet ones.

For further study: Psalm 23:2, Isaiah 30:15, Isaiah 32:17, Zephaniah 3:17, 1 Timothy 2:2, 1 Peter 3:4

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 13, 2011


I admit this isn't a Scripture and my own business policy is to embroider ONLY Scriptures (which protects me from things like "wine, women and song"!), but there are some exceptions that must be made!  The Bible is full of proof of Jesus' love.

Is there any greater hope than JESUS LOVES ME?  If as adults that calms us, imagine what it would be like to grow up as a child hearing and seeing that message over and over!  "As Christ's love grows in us, His love flows from us." Daily Bread 10/19/10

Maybe the ills of our society stem partially from children who feel unloved by anyone, let alone ONE so special.  I had a sweet conversation with our "bug man" last week about how to know Jesus.  Oddly enough his previous customer had asked him that question and it took him to get to our home for him to begin thinking about it.  I gave him BASIC CHRISTIANITY by John Stott which is what I read in l981 to show me I had never received Christ as my personal Savior.  I could tell this man wanted his children to know that kind of love.  I probably should have given him a pillow instead!

"Jesus loves me, this I know.  For the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong; they are weak but He is strong.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  The Bible tells me so."

For further study:  Exodus 20:6, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 57:10, Jeremiah 31:3, Lamentations 3:22, Zephaniah 3:17, John 15:13, Romans 5:5, 2 Corinthians 5:14, 1 John 4:7-18.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


May 9, 2011

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT - Galatians 5:22-23

Paul wrote to the "churches in Galatia" astonished that they were walking away from Christ and His teachings.  He showed them the danger of indulging the sinful nature and reminded them of the practical side of walking in the Spirit.

By God's goodness, when we become a Christian we receive His Holy Spirit.  That Spirit produces and develops His fruit within us which then becomes visible to others.  Notice the singular word "fruit" (Greek: karpos is single).  This is ONE fruit with nine individual aspects...we receive ALL aspects.  These visible attributes of His Spirit are the best aspects of Godly character.  In THE EXPERIENCING GOD DEVOTIONAL, Henry and Richard Blackaby say: "How quickly (growth) happens depends upon how completely you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit's activity."

I love fruit and eat it every day.  I do not eat brown, mushy or unattractive occasional brown spot gets by!  In the same way, my "fruit" should look healthy and fresh.  The sinful nature makes all nine of these aspects less than they were intended to be.

Two of my favorite passages (I haven't figured out how to get them on pillows yet!) are John 15:1-17 and Ezekiel 47:1-12.  Read them fully to see how to grow quality fruit.  Happy gardening!

For further study:  Psalm 1:3, Psalm 128:3, Ezekiel 47:1-12, Matthew 7:16, John 15:1-17.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word!


May 6, 2011

"Give thanks to the Lord..." Psalm 136:1

This psalm was written to be sung and to remind the people of God's mighty acts throughout history.  Could you sing a hymn of praise with as many verses of gratitude as these people did?  I surely could!  I would start by being grateful for the family I was raised in, for the Lord's protection when I was a "wild child" and didn't know Him as Savior, for my salvation and His grace, for a Godly husband who is healthy today and was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer 3 years ago; I would sing praise for my privilege to be a mother to two young men who thrill us every day, for jobs, for His word...I would sing on and on!  I recently watched a YouTube video of the Kimyal tribe in Indonesia receiving Bibles - oh my what visible gratitude!

Nancy Leigh DeMoss, in her book CHOOSING GRATITUDE, says: "Gratitude is often the only difference between pervasive sadness and pure satisfaction".  I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.  Deborah Norville, in THANK YOU POWER, says: "many people are undone by crisis.  Grateful people aren't!"

Our faith tells us "every good and perfect gift is from above..." (James 1:17) and I for one can hardly wait to tell Him thanks!  If you need help getting started, go buy The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's CD "Declare Your Name".  A couple of the songs may just get you going!

For further study:  Psalm 95:2, Romans 1:21, 2 Corinthians 9:15, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Hebrews 12:28.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word!


May 4, 2011

"Love is patient; love is kind" 1 Corinthians 13:4

I confess to having gotten up at 4:30 a.m. last Friday for the Royal Wedding (my husband did not!) and I was not disappointed becuase it was a beautiful God-honoring service.  It was right for them to sing: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah" for I can't imagine starting any marriage - let alone one so public - without the One who made us.  We learn LOVE from God: "Love one another for love comes from God" (1 John 4:7).  Oswald Chambers says: "The springs of LOVE are in God, not in us."  We must know God to be able to LOVE.  LOVE is the first fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22).

If our love comes from God, then it will not...intimidate, compete, withdraw, control, be sarcastic or angrily speak words that hurt - all self-centered.  It will...sacrifice, honor, joyfully submit, stay connected, communicate words of encouragement (even if honest), and genuinely care - all other-centered.

With June weddings approaching, let's examine our own lives and make LOVE a priority!  God did - He sacrificed His Son for us (John 3:16)!  GOT LOVE?

For further study:  Genesis 3, Psalm 127:1,  Romans 5:5, 1 Corinthians 10:24, 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:1-2, 1 Peter 3:1-12

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word!


May 2, 2011

"The joy of the Lord is your strength" - Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah, in exile working as a servant to the King of Persia, felt strongly led to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall that had been demolished.  The king allowed it and he returned, with a vision, and began to build a team to do the hard work.  He faced opposition, persevered and rejoiced when the work was completed.

At the celebration, Ezra read the Book of the Law of Moses and the people began weeping as they listened - apparently grief-stricken at how they had failed God.  All of a sudden, the goodness of God in providing this new wall was forgotten; they were thinking instead of their failures.  Nehemiah had to remind them: "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength".

Do you let the regrets of your life steal your joy?  There is a time for mourning and a time for rejoicing.  Spurgeon says: "The steps by which we ascend to the palace of delight are usually moist with tears."  Let's let our tears lead us to discover and celebrate the goodness of God.  I certainly don't want to miss "the joy of the Lord"!  How about you?

For further study: Psalm 21:6,  Psalm 43:4, Psalm 51:12, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Jeremiah 31:13, Habakkuk 3:18, 2 Corinthians 7:10

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.
