May 20, 2011


This is a psalm of David, probably written in his wise later years.  He had seen many evil men come and go, and he was confident that, like the withering grass, they would "soon die away".  He chose instead to trust in the Lord's unfailing love and care.

This verse is a beautiful illustration of "cause and effect".  If you obey the command (delight), a promise awaits (He will "tend to" the desires of your heart).  The word "delight" in the original form, anag, means "delicate or soft" meaning being sensitive or pliable.  It would mean to be dependent upon and to derive one's pleasure from God - basking or reveling, if you will.  What are the things you are dependent upon?  What are the things you derive your pleasure in?  Are you sensitive or pliable to Him? Does that mean if you do, the Lord gives you whatever you ask?  No, it means if you are truly focused on Him, the desires of your heart will be His desires as well.  Unless we "delight" in Him, our desires will be worldly and small.  I don't pretend to understand why there are godly people with desires yet unmet (Hebrews 11:39). There are some things that we must leave to the wisdom of a holy God.

I am a self-professed "pollyanna" - I want all to be well (a Bible study group even nicknamed me Hollyanna!), but there are times I delight in the wrong things.  There are times I find it difficult to delight in anything.  So how can we delight when we're not feeling delightful?  I think the Newsboys sing it well
in "Father, Blessed Father":  "Breathe, oh breath of God; breathe on me 'til my heart is new." Pray for your heart - and mine - to desire what He desires.  In the meantime, "delight yourself in the Lord"!

For further study: Psalm 1:2, Psalm 94:19, Psalm 145:19, Isaiah 58:14, Matthew 5:6, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Philippians 4:4-19.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


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