April 1, 2020

He is Risen!

I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today;
I know that He is living, whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, He's always near.
HE LIVES  by Alfred H. Ackley

I hope you are encouraged by the words of this hymn.  During this very unique time of instability, we cannot allow our hearts to be discouraged.  Chuck Colson once said:  "Despair is a sin because it denies the sovereignty of God".  Another way to say that is John 16:33:  "..take heart! I have overcome the world."

The words on the pillow are the words of the angel speaking to the women at the tomb who were devastated to have Jesus be absent from the place He was left.  They, in fact, were in great despair.  But these words - among the most profound in the Scriptures - tell a very different story than a story of despair.

The Greek word for "to rise" is egeiro and is used 141 times in the New Testament.  When Paul uses it, referring to Christ's resurrection, the verb is in the perfect tense which describes a "past completed action with continuing effect".  I hope you get the importance of that - "he is risen" has a permanent effect and is as true today as it was 2000 years ago.  He is alive today (as our dear hymn already stated) and Hebrews 7:25 says "...he always lives to intercede for" those who love God.  Today, He is interceding for us and He wants us to rejoice, not to despair.  This world is not out of control...He is perfectly in control!

Do you remember the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10?  Martha was frustrated and angry about the way her life was going and she made sure everyone knew how unhappy she was with her sister.  But sweet Mary recognized this one opportunity she had to sit with Jesus and listen to Him.  We have the same choice today:  will we grumble and complain about how hard life is or will we rejoice that our Savior lives and is very present with us today.  He is sovereign...He is quite able to order our steps...and our family's!  Will we sit with Him in His word and in prayer rather than hours and hours on our phones? 

I grew up in the church and knew about God...sort of.  But as an adult in my 30s, I heard a testimony from some folks about receiving Jesus as my Savior.  You see, God sent Jesus to the earth to give His life in death to pay for our sins.  Until I acknowledged my sins, and received Him into my heart as Lord, I had no Holy Spirit to "guide me into all truth".  Since then, His power has done a work in me my flesh never could have done and I am so grateful.  That's good news! He will do the same for you.

I hope you will be preparing your heart to celebrate on Easter Sunday.  We have put a palm frond on our front porch - along with other believers around the world - to identify our home as one who rejoices this Palm Sunday with those who shouted "Hosanna" at the Triumphal entry of Jesus: 

For further study:  Psalm 73:26, Matthew 28:6, Mark 16:6, Luke 24:6, John 20:9 and 21, Romans 11:33, Ephesians 1:20-22, 1 Peter 3:22, Rev. 21:;6.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word!


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