July 17, 2014

God's word is a lamp for my feet - Ps. 119:105

This is the longest psalm in the Bible and the primary theme is the importance of God's word and obedience to it.  There are over 80 references to law/word/statute/commands.  Each of the 176 verses is exhorting believers to honor, understand and let the Bible be our roadmap for life.  This psalmist had a great love for and a delight in following God's inspired message.  We cannot live the life God has prepared for us without making His word "a lamp for our feet" - it protects, purifies, transforms, renews, inspires, guides, comforts and a host of other benefits.  A fun challenge would be to go through this psalm and list all the benefits to those who follow His inspired word.

Why do we feel we have to defend this standard we choose to obey?  I believe His word is a gift, not a burden.  I respect those who base their lives and their businesses on this firm foundation.  Hobby Lobby (I whistle to the piped-in Christian music when I'm in there!) risked their existence by refusing to do something they believed violated Biblical principles.  Steve Green, the President of the company, said, when asked what would happen if the Supreme Court ruled against them:

We are just going to do what God would call us to do,
what he teaches us is right and trust him to do
what is out of our control.
This family puts its money where its mouth is. They are so dedicated to the preservation of God's word that they are in the process of building a Bible museum in Washington, D.C. to house 40,000 Biblical texts.  Now that is commitment to a standard!  I would pray to be half that courageous in standing up for what I believe.  The very foundation of our faith is that His inspired word is true.  If we believe that, then we will let it be our guide - publicly and privately - in all that we do in our families and in our businesses. We have a choice to hold onto principles that "last forever" (v. 152) or to the shifting sands of a changing society.  I am grateful for people who example the strength of letting His word be a "lamp" for our feet.
For further study:  2 Samuel 22:31, Proverbs 30:5, Isaiah 55:11, Matthew 24:35, John 1:1-5, Philippians 2:16, 2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 3:15-16, Hebrews 4:12, James 1:22.
Be blessed in your understanding of God's precious word!

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