August 25, 2015

Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord - Ps. 27:14

Are you a good "waiter"...I'm not!  In fact I've never worked in a restaurant probably for that very reason!  Waiters need to be flexible, patient, eager, submitted, gracious and self-less.  I was in trouble from the first word!  The Hebrew word for "wait" denotes a stretching/twisting, a kind of tension in the enduring.  It is also expectant and hopeful.  Does it matter how we wait?  Yes, I believe it does.

The psalmist wrote about what it takes to be a good "waiter".  It takes strength and he knew that kind of strength only came from the Lord.  David had a long and blessed history with his Lord and he fully trusted him in whatever mess he was in this time.  I believe our frustration in waiting often comes from what James talks about in Ch. 4:1-4.  He says quarrels and fights come from "your desires that battle within"...I see in my own life that my frustrations and impatience come from the same place...wrong motives.  His blessings come to us when we are patient in our waiting.

Listen to Andrew Murray in WAITING ON GOD:

It is in waiting upon God that our eyes are
opened to believe in His wise and sovereign will,
and to see that the sooner and the more completely
we yield absolutely to it,
the more surely His blessing can come to us.

I am convinced God's purpose in our waiting is to learn to trust more fully in His best for us.  We need to change those wrong motives within to become someone He can self-seeking ones on His team!

Our newspaper this morning has a story about one of our new NBA players to come to San Antonio.  There seemed to be a question about whether he could be a team player (which our Spurs are!)  or whether better stats for himself were his goal. The editor wrote:  "Sometimes when a player has been consumed with individual goals, he changes when he's around those who aren't".  I'm thinking that's one of God's purposes for us:  to be a part of a body of believers that glorifies Him and exemplifies in their lives their patient and constant dependence upon God.

I'm feeling a little stronger in my waiting about you?

For further study: 2 Sam. 22:33,  Psalm 37:7, Psalm 40:1, Isaiah 30:18, Isaiah 40;31, Acts 1:4, Romans 8:23-25, Phil. 4:13, 1 Thess. 1:8-10, Titus 2:11-14.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


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