June 6, 2011


On Maundy Thursday, 1981, I walked into a PCA church in Coral Gables, FL and this was the hymn they were singing.  I was immediately struck by the power of these words.  I had been raised in a church, but had never had words of a hymn sink deep into my soul.  I knew I wanted more.  In that church I learned the chief purpose of man from the Westminster Catechism:  to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  I had gotten it all wrong - I thought enjoying life was what it was all about!  I had done a pretty good job of that up to then, but kept searching for something to matter!  Shortly after that night, I read John Stott's BASIC CHRISTIANITY and yielded my life to Christ.
An American hymnwriter, Fanny Crosby wrote this hymn - and many others - in l875.  Oddly enough, Crosby was blind from 6 years of age, and yet still praised the Creator for all the works of His hand.  The hymn was mostly in British songbooks until it was sung at a Billy Graham Crusade in l954.  It is a beautiful hymn of praise and a reminder of God's grace and that He alone is to be given the glory.

I watched 60 minutes last night and Lady Gaga was interviewed.  She was quite proud to proclaim she was "mastering the art of fame" - hers, I presume.  I can't imagine trying to take credit for any of the blessings of my life, let alone making my reputation "widespread".  It is God who is the Maker of heaven and earth; God who was "in the beginning".  God who calls us into a personal relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.  My goals are so small compared to what He wants to do with my life.

Although I am not a regular watcher of Oprah, I confess to watching her last show several weeks ago and whatever you say about her views, she has been a large influence for good in the world.  Her last words of the show were proclaimed loudly: "TO GOD BE THE GLORY!"  I want those to be my last words.  I want Him to be glorified and honored above all things.  He is the only one worthy!

For further study:  Exodus 15:11, 1 Chronicles 16:7-36; Psalm 19:1, Psalm 29:1-2, Isaiah 6:3, 48:11, Romans 1:21-23, 1 Corinthians 1:31, 10:31, Revelation 4:11.

Be blessed in your understanding of God's word.


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